Are you looking for a combination of exciting dancing and technique training? The classes of modern dance at CREA combine various modern and contemporary dance techniques with dynamic explorations. Within the structure of – warming up, technical training, final choreography and a cooling down – you get to work with momentum, gravity, the floor and expressive possibilities of movement. Both Anastasia and Aissa are thrilled to share their creative insights with you and have fun while getting sweaty!
Aissa’s classes
Focus points include:
Physical: flow and fluidity, activation and relaxation, gravity, elongation, dynamics, musicality and sensitivity of one’s own physical and in relation to space/the other.
Personal: personal presence, authenticity, interpretation of dance, clarity in intention, connection with your body.
Aissa likes to challenge the dancers to free themselves from the head and to shift their attention to the body, in order to achieve an authentic experience of freedom while dancing. In this way she hopes to create awareness for the expressive qualities and intelligence of the body, and for the language of movement that can encompass more than the correct execution of movements.
Anastasia’s classes
Modern Dance classes by Anastasia focus on building strength and stamina through dynamic exercises which are coupled with slower (and more somatic) tasks to inspire continuity and subtleness. We will explore movement principles such as flow, floor work, use of weight, movement qualities and the proprioception of one’s own body in relation to the space and the other. You are welcome to challenge yourself and make mistakes, all in a playful and safe environment. Through custom made exercises, guided improvisation and choreography sequences you become a more versatile mover, develop your dance skills and gain confidence to move and improvise with others.
Anastasia Kostner is an international dancer and choreographer with an investigative mind toward physical awareness and movement research. Her education background lies in contemporary/modern dance, choreography and Rolfing (structural integration), which make her classes playful, creative, and caring for physical and mental health.
“The line in the course description that caught my attention was ‘free yourself from your head’ and that was absolutely right. I always felt very nice afterwards. The teacher is knowledgeable and enthusiastic and knows how to bond the group.”
– Huibert, course participant (season 2023-2024/block 1)
After the Modern: beginner, you can continue to the courses Modern: intermediate and/or participate in the choreography project in spring.