
become a CREA friend

become a CREA friend

At CREA, you make friendships for life.

To keep making that possible, we need our special CREA friends and companions. So join the CREA Friends and support CREA. This way we can continue to challenge, excite, train and develop students.

CREA is the Amsterdam playground where students from home and abroad meet in creative courses, in lectures, in workshops, in debates and performances: from mainstream to subculture. In effort and relaxation. And always in fun.

Creativity is essential for our future. At CREA, you make space in your head for the unknown, learn to look with different eyes and learn to shape and express yourself in voice, heart or body.

CREA: the art & culture centre where you practice for the future

You can already become a CREA friend for just €5 a month, or become a CREA fellow for €75, €100 or €250 a year.
Your company can also become a special CREA companion for a higher amount of your choice. (CREA has ANBI status*)
A single donation is of course also possible.
Whatever you choose your contribution will be put to optimal use!

Should you want to spend part of your inheritance on CREA, for example, you will obviously want to be sure that you make the right choices and that everything is properly arranged. Do you have questions about the destination or use of your estate or would you like to know more about wills, inheritance law or estate and tax? Then contact Adrian Brinkhaus: a.brinkhaus@crea.nl or 020-399 12 12.

Why become a friend?
With your friendship, you make it possible for CREA to give even more students a chance to participate in all CREA activities.
You make it possible to expand our special activities and reach even more students who have less access to culture. Because CREA is for everyone.
You help CREA remain the meeting place where students from all kinds of faculties, programmes and corners of the world gain friendships for life.

What does your friendship mean?

  • CREA friends, fellows and companions receive a CREA friends update twice a year.
  • Once a year, we organise a special Friends Evening to celebrate our friendship and show what CREA does and what its plans are.
  • You get invitations and discounts on special CREA activities (lectures, debates and performances/concerts).
  • And, of course, you get the iconic CREA shoulder bag every year.

Want more than a friendship?

Then adopt a CREA course. Maybe you have once taken a CREA course and know how special it is. By adopting a CREA course, you are also giving a student who is otherwise unable to participate this opportunity.

Thus, your adoption creates a positive chain reaction that thus connects even more students.

You can have an adoption for as little as €150.

* As CREA is a Cultural Institution for General Benefit (Cultural ANBI), donating can also be advantageous for the donor. More information on the conditions for donating with a tax advantage can be found on the website of the Belastingdienst and with the ANBI calculator. For more information on tax benefits for donations, visit here.