CREA grants!
Students from UvA or HvA who have plans for projects such as an exposition, a theatre performance, a film or another event? Then appeal to CREA fund and make it come true!
Your own project can be an event, an experiment, a happening, a performance, a conference, a lecture, a show, an object – your plans can’t be wild enough, as long as they are related to the activities of CREA. Also student groups who perform in CREA theater can appeal to the fund to be subsidised in their costs.
CREA grants a maximum of 12.5% of the total project budget. A maximum amount is not set, but do not expect thousands of euros. Think towards an amount that is reasonable in relation to the nature, scope and purpose of the project. Payment of the awarded grant is made after the project is completed and the financial justification is received.
- You are a student at UvA or HvA.
- The project should take place in Amsterdam.
- The project should be realised within twelve months.
- The project should be related to the activities of CREA (the arts, lectures or debates).
- The group which makes an application should consist of students for at least 50%, with a minimum of 2 students, from UvA or HvA.
- The budget must include your own personal contribution.
- The project must result in some sort of public presentation.
- The public presentation of the project must take place at least 2 months after the application deadline (i.e. after 1 June 2024 or after 1 February 2025).
- CREA does not subsidise costs for catering and/or consumption.
- CREA must be mentioned in all means of publicity. So please keep the deadline date in mind when planning print and other publicity.
payment of the grant
The project must be accounted for financially afterwards by a financial statement; an explanation of this statement in which any windfalls or setbacks are accounted for; original documentation (receipts or invoices) showing that the grant awarded was actually spent.
application deadline
In 2024, applications will be assessed at 2 points in time. The deadlines to be included are:
- 1 April 2024
- 1 December 2024
To be included, the application must be in by this date. The CREA fund committee decides on awarding money and/or facilities within two weeks of the deadline. No discussion is possible on this decision.