
Sophie Jetten

Sophie Jetten


Sophie is a Amsterdam based dancer, choreographer and teacher. She graduated with a BA -Bachelor in Dance from the Dansacademie of ArtEZ – Hogeschool voor de kunsten Arnhem (NL) in 2007.

Sophie has danced and performed in several creations by different choreographers and companies like Katharina Horn (DE), De Dansers (NL), Gif-T (NL), Lex te Dorsthorst (NL) and Theater de Plaats (NL). Since 2007 she is also choreographing and teaching. She developed different creations for the professional as well as the educational field. Work was shown at different events and festivals like Festival Zwart, Festival d’Avignon, Theater de Plaats,  Sonsbeek Theater Avenue and Art Release.

Sophie is teaching and choreographing at different schools end organizations.  A summary of some are: ArtEZ pre-academy, Bacheler Dance Teacher, Rijnijssel MBO Fast Track, MBO Aventus Dans, On Y Danse and the foundation Boys Action.

In 2014 Sophie developed Art Release, which is a platform where young artists from different disciplines have the opportunity to present their new autonomous work. The ambition of Art Release is to create a space where new collaborations can flourish and new dialogues arise. The municipality of Amsterdam founded this project in 2014.

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