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Art Code Theater invites you to the family-friendly performance “The Stories of Hedgehog and Bear.” Based on the charming tales by Sergey Kozlov, this production transports audiences into
event details
Art Code Theater invites you to the family-friendly performance “The Stories of Hedgehog and Bear.” Based on the charming tales by Sergey Kozlov, this production transports audiences into an atmosphere of pure happiness and tranquility. These beloved stories are crafted in the most universal language—the language of kindness and friendship. The creators of this performance hope to share this language with all: with the taller children, often known as adults, and the smaller ones, called children. For, in the end, the most precious gift we can offer one another is love.
Спектакль создан по мотивам сказок Сергея Козлова, автора нашумевших бестселлеров “Ёжик в тумане”, “Трям, здравствуйте” Эти истории, как тёплое одеялко, укутывают воспоминаниями о нашем детстве, а маленьких зрителейзнакомят с миром искренней дружбы и доброты. Ёжик, Медвежонок и Ослик создадут настоящую зимнюю праздничнуюатмосферу, поиграют со всеми зрителями и расскажут свои невероятные истории!
18th December 2024 17:00(GMT+01:00)